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ON TOUR -2024-



merch for flash forward || essen, weststadthalle
tm for future palace
 || berlin, huxley's
tm for future palace || dresden, parkhotel
tm for future palace || munich, backstage (werk)

merch for itchy || cologne, palladium (donots support)
tm for future palace || ch-bern
, stellwerk
tm for future palace
 || stuttgart, im wizemann
tm for future palace
 || nl-amsterdam, melkweg
tm for future palace
 || be-antwerp, trix
tm for future palace
 || uk-manchester, rebellion (sold out)
tm for future palace
 || uk-london, the garage
tm for future palace || fr-paris
, supersonic
tm for future palace
 || cologne, essigfabrik


​merch for itchy || hamburg, große freiheit (donots support)
​merch for 
itchy || hamburg, große freiheit (donots support)
​merch for 
itchy || berlin, huxleys (donots support)
​merch for 
itchy || berlin, huxleys (donots support)
tm for future palace || bremen, schlachthof
tm for future palace
 || hamburg, gruenspan (sold out)



tm for future palace || swe-gothenburg, musiken hus
tm for future palace
 || nor-oslo, john dee
tm for future palace
 || dnk-copenhagen, pumpehuset

tm for future palace || swe-stockholm, kollektivet livet
tm for future palace
 || fi-helsinki, on the rocks (sold out)

tm for future palace || pl-gdansk, drizzly grizzly
tm for future palace
 || pl-warsaw, hydrozagadka
tm for future palace
 || cz-prague, rock café

tm for future palace || leipzig, taeubchenthal

tm for future palace || hu-budapest, analog music hall

tm for future palace || at-vienna, flex

tm for future palace || nuremberg, hirsch (sold out)

tm for boysetsfire || cologne, palladium
tm for boysetsfire
 || karlsruhe, tollhaus
tm for boysetsfire
 || at-vienna, arena
tm for boysetsfire
 || munich, backstage
tm for boysetsfire
 || berlin, huxley's
tm for boysetsfire
 || hamburg, grosse freiheit
tm for boysetsfire
 || nl-amsterdam, melkweg
tm for boysetsfire
 || wiesbaden, schlachthof (sold out)


box office/guestlist for flogging molly || oberhausen, turbinenhalle
merch for pur
 || villingen-schwenningen, druckzentrum suedwest (sold out)
merch for pur
 || salem, schloss (sold out)
merch for pur
 || schwetzingen, schlossgarten (sold out)
merch for pur
 || ludwigsburg, schloss (sold out)


artist hospitality for concrete park festival || muenster

artist hospitality for vainstream rockfest || muenster


merch for postmodern jukebox || essen, lichtburg (sold out)
merch for itchy
 || cologne, tanzbrunnen (nofx support)


head of production for impericon festival || at-vienna, simm city
head of production for impericon festival
 || munich, zenith
head of production for impericon festival
 || ch-zurich, x-tra


head of production for impericon festival || oberhausen, turbinenhalle

head of production for impericon festival || hamburg, sporthalle
promoters rep for august burns red 
|| stuttgart, lka longhorn
promoters rep for august burns red 
|| wiesbaden, schlachthof

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